sábado, mayo 19, 2007

Lenguas Muertas

Estas son algunas de las lenguas que dejaron de existir para siempre, fuente wikipedia :
Mochica: ca. 1950s
Mohegan: Fidelia Fielding (1908)
Molala: Fred Yelkes (1958)
Munichi: Victoria Huancho Icahuate (late 1990s)
Natchez: Watt Sam & Nancy Raven (early 1930s)
Negerhollands: Alice Stevenson (1987)
Nooksack: Sindick Jimmy (1977)
Northern Pomo: (1994)
Nottoway (an Iroquoian language): last recorded before 1836
Pentlatch (a Salishan language): Joe Nimnim (1940)
Pánobo (a Pano-Tacanan language): 1991
Polabian (a Slavic language): (late 18th century)
Salinan: (ca. 1960)
entire Shastan family
New River Shasta
Shasta: 3 elderly speakers in 1980, extinct by 1990
Siuslaw: (ca. 1970s)
Slovincian (a Slavic language): (20th century)
Susquehannock: all last speakers murdered in 1763
Takelma: Molly Orton (or Molly Orcutt) & Willie Simmons (both not fully fluent) last recorded in 1934
Tasmanian: (late 19th century)
Tataviam (an Uto-Aztecan language): Juan José Fustero who remembered only a few words of his grandparents' language (recorded 1913)
Teteté (an Tucanoan language)
Tillamook (a Salishan language): (1970)
Tonkawa: 6 elderly people in 1931
Tsetsaut (an Athabaskan language): last fluent speaker was elderly man recorded in 1894
Tunica: Sesostrie Youchigant (ca. mid 20th century)
Ubykh: Tevfik Esenç (October 1992)
all dialects of Upper Chinook (a Chinookan language) are extinct, except for the Wasco-Wishram dialect. The Clackamas dialect began extinct in the 1930s, other dialects have little documentation. (The Wasco-Wishram dialect is still spoken by 6 elders.)
Upper Umpqua: Wolverton Orton, last recorded in 1942
Vegliot Dalmatian: Tuone Udaina (Italian: Antonio Udina) (10 June 1898)
Wiyot: Della Prince (1962)
Yana: Ishi (1916)
Yola related to English (mid 19th c.)

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